Sunday, November 1, 2009

Amdocs with Indian Telecom Players

Amdocs has to give an answer to a very important question... How to increase the demand from existing clients and how to add more clients to our portfolio?

In India, with the mix of client base like giant Vodafone and with a presence of new Telecom player like Datacom, Amdocs has ample opportunity to understand the Indian Telecom market from the point of view of a stabilized player and a new player like Datacom. When the customer base of Telecom companies is increasing by ~10M a month and with the sheer competition in all 22 circles ,surely the first mover has an advantage to provide the best services in all the circles and the first thing a company can think of is a End-User satisfaction by providing a convergent billing .

In International Market, we have good exposure and we are successfully rolling our customized business model from Latin America to East Europe to South Asia and now this is the time for us to hit the Indian Telecom market; when 3G is the talk of the day and when Indian telecom players are looking for innovative ideas like per second billing and when convergent billing is the need of the hour, I believe we as a company has lots to offer in the Indian Telecom space. When the future is to converge services like wire line, wireless, DTH, Internet to a single delivery platform and when Amdocs has a well known name for Convergent Billing products we are surely in a better position to target these telecom operators, but what we really need is good salesmen, good consultants, good marketing guys who can understand the depth of Indian Telecom players and can judge the Indian market well and provide the innovative ideas which will help the Companies to grow.

We know our strength, we know Innovation is the nerve of Amdocs, we know we can customize our product portfolios, and when we know we can work well on critical mission statements, but a challenge for us is to understand how the telecom businesses run in India and what our client thinks of . Today, we are moving ahead in India with Telecom player like Vodafone who always trusted us and having our products from Vodafone Netherland to Vodafone Germany to Vodafone Paris we have to take this trust forward and have to do our best to let Vodafone India succeed in each and every step they take and once that will happen a Word of Mouth will help Amdocs to build its base in India .
And this to really happen is what we need is good Marketing Team who can understand the players like Vodafone, Datacom first and develop a trust with Amdocs India and I am sure if this trust gets build up among each other I can see lots of business coming for Amdocs in India.

Let’s build a team of passionate marketing guys who has courage to take this challenge...

Keep Walking...

Monday, October 26, 2009

The ZOOZOO Effect

it's all about Brand Extension

Creative minds have brought ZOOZOO on televisions ,Marketing guys are bringing ZOOZOO on to the Business .

if we remember the days of 7'UP and how a triangular looking head with frizzy hair guy created a sensation in the Lemon aerated Soft drink industry and how people jumped and start wearing the Tshirts of FIDO DIDO guy ..and how 7up becomes the word of mouth all over the USA ..a brand having the best recall value in the mind of people at one point of time !voila !! not the same but following the same trend here comes the time again with the beginning of Vodafone ad's with ZOOZOO effect .

With ZOOZOO ads circulating one after the other , showing VODAFONE Telecom Service provider enormous functionalities in a way which was never shown before right from call forwarding to emergency call to I'ntrl Call everything was absorbed by ZOOZOO effect ..Everyone starts associating Innovation with Vodafone and see's Vodafone to bring something new which was never happened before .

of course ,innovation was there in bringing ZOOZOO to the television but at the same time Vodafone needs to leverage this innovation to convert this association to more number of subscriber , to more word of mouth; for its already existed brand with this association they have to create brand recall for themselves as an Innovative Telecom Service provider.

With the entry of new telecom provider and with the cut throat competition which is crossing all the borders , Vodafone needs to extend the brand image they have already created with ZOOZOO Innovation .Following the trend Marketing Manager of Vodafone in line with this innovation have tied up with shoppers Stop to get ZOOZOO on the T shirts.
...Vodafone has now tie up with Shoppers Stop to have 47 different expression of ZOOZOO on the wide range of tshirts ...a way for VODAFONE to extend this already created BRAND !!tRING tRING

Marketing Mantra :
Shoppers Stop is not only doing business for itself by selling tshirts but a perfect example of How one company can do the marketing for another company ..and make one to think how two totally different business Entities in two different verticals can do a boom for each other and do their business on account of other !! Win Win Situation for all .
With the presence of Multi National Companies across the borders and a presence of business units across the globe makes me think again the Quote " Think Global - Act Local". And i try to understand what could be the best strategy for a Global Company to set up its buisness in the country other than its own .
Global companies(who cross the borders ) in a long run have proven record of successfull Buisness in thier countries and can roll out the same policies , strategies in the new country but we have seen that companies prefer to act locally in the new market, leaving behind the great accolades they have received because of thier own country strategy

Every other companies make strategy when they start new buisness in other country and wants to act locally and in pursuing that they sometimes leave the USP they have and end up in moulding the best characterstics they may have .

When DOCOMO , a japanese Telecom provider, wants to make his presence in the fast growing Indian telecom market ,they end up making a jv with Tata-Tele services and trying to penetrate the price sesitive Indian Telecom sector with per second billing rate ...but if we see in Japan the same Company ,DOCOMO ,nerve system of thier business is Performance ,Innovation ,quality ,first mover ,the question arises to Business Entity like DOCOMO why dont they enter the new market like INDIA with the same Zeal and with the same USP of innovation,quality ..why NOT ..why every other Global company wants to act locally ??

There is sure shot argument ,which says it make sense to read the customer of the new country and then start your business but when we look at the Big Buisness house like Citibank ,HSBC ,Standard Chartered who is doing their buisness as a local entity in india and results have shown that they are not much sucessfull the way they are in some other country .