Monday, October 26, 2009

The ZOOZOO Effect

it's all about Brand Extension

Creative minds have brought ZOOZOO on televisions ,Marketing guys are bringing ZOOZOO on to the Business .

if we remember the days of 7'UP and how a triangular looking head with frizzy hair guy created a sensation in the Lemon aerated Soft drink industry and how people jumped and start wearing the Tshirts of FIDO DIDO guy ..and how 7up becomes the word of mouth all over the USA ..a brand having the best recall value in the mind of people at one point of time !voila !! not the same but following the same trend here comes the time again with the beginning of Vodafone ad's with ZOOZOO effect .

With ZOOZOO ads circulating one after the other , showing VODAFONE Telecom Service provider enormous functionalities in a way which was never shown before right from call forwarding to emergency call to I'ntrl Call everything was absorbed by ZOOZOO effect ..Everyone starts associating Innovation with Vodafone and see's Vodafone to bring something new which was never happened before .

of course ,innovation was there in bringing ZOOZOO to the television but at the same time Vodafone needs to leverage this innovation to convert this association to more number of subscriber , to more word of mouth; for its already existed brand with this association they have to create brand recall for themselves as an Innovative Telecom Service provider.

With the entry of new telecom provider and with the cut throat competition which is crossing all the borders , Vodafone needs to extend the brand image they have already created with ZOOZOO Innovation .Following the trend Marketing Manager of Vodafone in line with this innovation have tied up with shoppers Stop to get ZOOZOO on the T shirts.
...Vodafone has now tie up with Shoppers Stop to have 47 different expression of ZOOZOO on the wide range of tshirts ...a way for VODAFONE to extend this already created BRAND !!tRING tRING

Marketing Mantra :
Shoppers Stop is not only doing business for itself by selling tshirts but a perfect example of How one company can do the marketing for another company ..and make one to think how two totally different business Entities in two different verticals can do a boom for each other and do their business on account of other !! Win Win Situation for all .

1 comment:

  1. I used to love the Fido-Dido ads, and that was the only character i could draw... i still remember drawing them, once i had finished my class exam early... anyway, i am planning to buy this Shoppers Stop Zoozoo Rockstar T-Shirt one.. will wait for the coffee mugs!!
